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Opposing viewpoints series

Dudley, William, 1964
Chalberg, John
Stalcup, Brenda
Roleff, Tamara L., 1959
Schmidt, Mark Ray, 1953
Williams, Mary E., 1960
Egendorf, Laura K., 1973
Espejo, Roman, 1977
Cothran, Helen
Torr, James D., 1974
Hurley, Jennifer A., 1973
Haley, James, 1968
Gerdes, Louise I., 1953
Nakaya, Andrea C., 1976
Harris, Nancy, 1952
Balkin, Karen, 1949
Woodward, John, 1958
Ojeda, Auriana, 1977
O'Neill, Terry, 1944
Haugen, David M., 1969
Wilson, Mike, 1954
Passero, Barbara
Friedman, Lauri S
Haerens, Margaret
Stanford, Eleanor
Wagner, Viqi, 1953
Naff, Clay Farris
Langwith, Jacqueline
Carroll, Jamuna
Logan, Michael, 1956
Fisanick, Christina
Hanrahan, Clare
Lansford, Tom
Miller, Karen
Wilson, Mike
Swarts, Katherine
Henningfeld, Diane Andrews
Berlatsky, Noah
Barbour, Scott, 1963
Hunnicutt, Susan
Lankford, Ronald D., Jr., 1962
Zott, Lynn M. (Lynn Marie), 1969
Merino, Noel
Espejo, Roman
Showing 1 - 457 of 457
Book cover for "The American Revolution : opposing viewpoints".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The American Revolution : opposing viewpoints
Book cover for "The Cold War".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The Cold War
Book cover for "Immigration".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Immigration
Book cover for "Slavery : opposing viewpoints".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Slavery : opposing viewpoints
Book cover for "The American frontier".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The American frontier
Book cover for "The Bill of Rights".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The Bill of Rights
Book cover for "The Great Depression".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The Great Depression
Uses primary sources to debate the Great Depression.
Book cover for "Puritanism".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Puritanism

9.  The Civil War: opposing viewpoints

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10.  The creation of the constitution: opposing viewpoints

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11.  Isolationism: opposing viewpoints

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12.  Reconstruction: opposing viewpoints

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13.  The civil rights movement: opposing viewpoints

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14.  The women's rights movement: opposing viewpoints

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Book cover for "The 1960s".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The 1960s

16.  African Americans: opposing viewpoints

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17.  Asian Americans: opposing viewpoints

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18.  World War II: opposing viewpoints

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19.  Biomedical ethics: opposing viewpoints

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Book cover for "The industrial revolution".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The industrial revolution

21.  Native Americans: opposing viewpoints

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22.  The Vietnam war: opposing viewpoints

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23.  Epidemics: opposing viewpoints

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24.  Human nature: opposing viewpoints

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25.  Africa: opposing viewpoints

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Book cover for "Education".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Education

27.  The Middle East: opposing viewpoints

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Book cover for "Opposing viewpoints in social issues".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Opposing viewpoints in social issues
Book cover for "Political scandals".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Political scandals
Book cover for "The decline and fall of ancient Greece".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The decline and fall of ancient Greece

31.  Sex: opposing viewpoints

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Book cover for "Endangered species".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Endangered species
Book cover for "Extremist groups".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Extremist groups

34.  Gangs: opposing viewpoints

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Book cover for "Interracial America".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Interracial America
Book cover for "Police brutality".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Police brutality
Presents divergent views on police brutality, including the seriousness of the problem, factors contributing to it, the effectiveness of legal remedies, and the role of society.

37.  Race relations: opposing viewpoints

Cover Image
Book cover for "Russia opposing viewpoints".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Russia opposing viewpoints
Book cover for "Terminal illness".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Terminal illness
Book cover for "Violence".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Violence

41.  Adoption: opposing viewpoints

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Book cover for "An aging population".
Rate this title:
Star rating for An aging population
Book cover for "Censorship".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Censorship

44.  Energy alternatives: opposing viewpoints

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Book cover for "Gambling".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Gambling

46.  Gun violence: opposing viewpoints

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47.  The homeless: opposing viewpoints

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48.  Pornography: opposing viewpoints

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49.  Religion in America: opposing viewpoints

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Book cover for "Work".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Work
Book cover for "America's youth".
Rate this title:
Star rating for America's youth

52.  Black magic and witches

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53.  Chemical dependency: opposing viewpoints

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Book cover for "Culture wars".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Culture wars
Presents opposing viewpoints on issues related to cultural diversity, American education, cultural values, and the decay of American culture.

55.  Death and dying: opposing viewpoints

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56.  Discrimination

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Book cover for "The family".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The family
Book cover for "Health care".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Health care
Contains twenty-seven essays in which various authors present opposing viewpoints on issues related to health care, discussing reform, managed care, and the problem of uninsured Americans.
Book cover for "Human rights".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Human rights
Presents opposing viewpoints on such issues as defining human rights, how to stop human rights abuses, and how the world should respond to crimes against humanity.
Book cover for "India and Pakistan".
Rate this title:
Star rating for India and Pakistan

61.  Paranormal phenomena: opposing viewpoints

Cover Image
Book cover for "Suicide".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Suicide
Book cover for "Teenage pregnancy".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Teenage pregnancy
A collection of essays that explore the issue of teenage pregnancy, discussing the extent of the problem, factors that contribute to teenage pregnancy, and what measures would most effectively balance the needs of teen mothers, their children, and society.
Book cover for "Teens at risk".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Teens at risk

65.  Welfare

Cover Image
Book cover for "Alcohol".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Alcohol
Book cover for "Biological warfare".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Biological warfare
Book cover for "Endangered oceans".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Endangered oceans

69.  Genetic engineering: opposing viewpoints

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Book cover for "Hate groups".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Hate groups
Provides an overview of the many opinions and issues surrounding hate groups, their beliefs, and actions.
Book cover for "Immigration".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Immigration
Examines the issues pertaining to legal and illegal immigration, including cultural influence, economic effects, and policy reform, as well as America's vision of itself as the land of freedom and opportunity.
Book cover for "Iraq".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Iraq
Contains twenty-six essays that provide opposing viewpoints on issues related to the U.S.-led war on Iraq in 2003, debating whether the war was justified, the role of the U.S. in Iraq, the type of government Iraq should have, and the country's prospects for the future.
Book cover for "Islam".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Islam
Essays debate the values of Islam compared to those of Western countries, the status of women under Islamic rule, and United States policies regarding Islamic countries.
Book cover for "Media violence".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Media violence
Book cover for "The Middle East".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The Middle East
Book cover for "Poverty".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Poverty
Book cover for "Terrorism".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Terrorism
Book cover for "War on drugs".
Rate this title:
Star rating for War on drugs

79.  Africa

Cover Image
Book cover for "American values".
Rate this title:
Star rating for American values
Provides a collection of articles that offer varying viewpoints on the subject of values and morality in the United States, covering such topics as patriotism, religion in America, and popular culture.

81.  Censorship: opposing viewpoints

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82.  Constructing a life philosophy

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Book cover for "Drug abuse".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Drug abuse

84.  Education: opposing viewpoints

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85.  Epidemics

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86.  The ethics of euthanasia

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87.  Extremist groups: opposing viewpoints

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Book cover for "The Internet".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The Internet

89.  Israel

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Book cover for "Juvenile crime".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Juvenile crime

91.  Male/female roles

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92.  Mass media

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Book cover for "The Patriot Act".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The Patriot Act
Presents a collection of twenty-five opposing viewpoints on the creation of the Patriot Act following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and addresses issues of its effectiveness to national security, whether or not it violates civil liberties, and the questions of its being amended or terminated.
Book cover for "Popular culture".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Popular culture

95.  Population: opposing viewpoints

Cover Image

96.  Race relations

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Book cover for "Social justice".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Social justice
Book cover for "Sports and athletes".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Sports and athletes
Book cover for "Students' rights".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Students' rights
Book cover for "Terminal illness".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Terminal illness

101.  Tobacco and smoking

Cover Image
Book cover for "Urban America".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Urban America
The authors in this volume address issues such as poverty, crime and transportation.
Book cover for "War".
Rate this title:
Star rating for War
Book cover for "Weapons of mass destruction".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Weapons of mass destruction

105.  Abortion: opposing viewpoints

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106.  Adoption

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107.  Advertising

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108.  Afghanistan

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Book cover for "America in the twenty-first century".
Rate this title:
Star rating for America in the twenty-first century
Presents a collection of essays exploring varying viewpoints on America's future, discussing whether its lifestyle is sustainable, the potential for improvement, energy policy, and the role of technology.

110.  Animal rights: an opposing viewpoints guide

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111.  Cars in America

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112.  The Catholic Church

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113.  China

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114. Cloning

Book cover for "Cloning".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Cloning
Book cover for "Conserving the environment".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Conserving the environment

116.  The death penalty: an opposing viewpoints guide

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117.  Democracy

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118.  Energy alternatives

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119.  Energy alternatives: an opposing viewpoints guide

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Book cover for "Ethics".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Ethics
Book cover for "Euthanasia".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Euthanasia
Book cover for "Food".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Food
Book cover for "Global warming".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Global warming
Book cover for "Globalization".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Globalization
Book cover for "Gun violence".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Gun violence
Book cover for "Humanity's future".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Humanity's future
Presents a collection of essays exploring varying viewpoints on the future of human life, discussing such topics as the role of technology, the energy crisis, global warming, overpopulation, threats to world health, and nuclear weapons.

127.  Illegal immigration

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128.  Immigration

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129.  Interracial America: opposing viewpoints

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130.  Iran

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Book cover for "Marijuana".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Marijuana

132.  Obesity: opposing viewpoints

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133. Oil

Book cover for "Oil".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Oil
Provides a collection of essays that offer varying viewpoints on the subject of oil, covering such topics as how to reduce the price of oil, the effect of oil in international relations, and the energy policies that America should pursue.

134.  Pollution: opposing viewpoints

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Book cover for "Privacy".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Privacy
Book cover for "Problems with death".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Problems with death

137.  Prostitution and sex trafficking

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138.  Religion in America

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Book cover for "Rogue nations".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Rogue nations
Provides a collection of essays with varying viewpoints on the subject of potentially threatening, unpredictable countries, covering such topics as nuclear security, terrorism, genocide, and preemptive force.

140. Sex

Book cover for "Sex".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Sex
Book cover for "Sexually transmitted diseases".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Sexually transmitted diseases
Book cover for "Teen drug abuse".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Teen drug abuse
Book cover for "Television".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Television
Book cover for "World religion".
Rate this title:
Star rating for World religion

145.  Alternative medicine

Cover Image
Book cover for "America's global influence".
Rate this title:
Star rating for America's global influence
Book cover for "Animal experimentation".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Animal experimentation
A collection of essays exploring varying viewpoints on animal experimentation discusses such issues as the rights of animals, the ethical questions surrounding the tactics of animal rights activists, and the role of animal experimentation in medical research.

148.  Assisted suicide: an opposing viewpoints guide

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149.  Biomedical ethics

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Book cover for "Discrimination".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Discrimination
Book cover for "Eating disorders".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Eating disorders

152.  Endangered species

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153. Gambling

Book cover for "Gambling".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Gambling
Book cover for "Gun control".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Gun control
Contains articles that provide opposing viewpoints on the issue of gun control, discussing whether gun control is a threat to society, the meaning of the second amendment, the effectiveness of gun control regulations on crime and violence, and what measures would reduce gun violence.

155.  The homeless

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156. Hunting

Book cover for "Hunting".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Hunting
Provides a collection of essays that offer varying viewpoints on the subject of hunting, covering such topics as whether it has a role in wildlife maintenance, how it has been affected by technological innovations, and whether it is a form of cruelty to animals.
Book cover for "Legal system".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Legal system

158.  Mental illness

Cover Image
Book cover for "Military draft".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Military draft
Book cover for "National security".
Rate this title:
Star rating for National security
Book cover for "Nation-building".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Nation-building

162.  North & South Korea

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163.  Opposing viewpoints in American history: from colonial times to Reconstruction

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Book cover for "Police brutality".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Police brutality

165.  Reproductive technologies

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166.  Stem cells

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Book cover for "Technology and society".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Technology and society

168.  Africa

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169. Alcohol

Book cover for "Alcohol".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Alcohol

170.  America's youth

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Book cover for "Bioterrorism".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Bioterrorism

172.  Coal

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Book cover for "Culture wars".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Culture wars

174.  Discrimination

Cover Image

175. Divorce

Book cover for "Divorce".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Divorce
Articles exploring the causes of divorce, its effect on men, women and children, ways of minimizing the harm divorce can cause and methods of preventing divorce.

176.  Eco-architecture

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Book cover for "The European Union".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The European Union

178. Family

Book cover for "Family".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Family
Examines multiple perspectives on the concept of family and related issues.

179.  Feminism

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Book cover for "Gateway drugs".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Gateway drugs

181.  Global resources

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182.  Health care

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Book cover for "Human rights".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Human rights
Book cover for "Labor unions".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Labor unions

185.  Medicine

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Book cover for "Paranormal phenomena".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Paranormal phenomena

187.  The pharmaceutical industry

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188. Poverty

Book cover for "Poverty".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Poverty

189.  The presidential election process

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Book cover for "Religion and sexuality".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Religion and sexuality
Presents a collection of essays with different viewpoints on the relationship between religious belief and sexuality, with discussions on homosexuality, gay marriage, belief in God and reproductive rights, abortion, celibacy, and the ordination of women.

191.  Resurgent diseases

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Book cover for "School policies".
Rate this title:
Star rating for School policies
Presents arguments on many issues facing schools and their students today.
Book cover for "Self-mutilation".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Self-mutilation
Book cover for "Suicide".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Suicide
From Booklist: "Each volume in the Opposing Viewpoints Series could serve as a model-not only providing access to a wide diversity of opinions, but also stimulating readers to do further research for group discussion and individual interest. Both shrill and moderate, the selections-by experts, policy makers, and concerned citizens-include complete articles and speeches, long book excerpts, and occasional cartoons and boxed quotations-all up to date...
Book cover for "Teens at risk".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Teens at risk
Book cover for "Terrorism".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Terrorism
A collection of articles discussing the issue of terrorism -- its causes, possible solutions, and how governments should respond.
Book cover for "Tobacco and smoking".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Tobacco and smoking
Book cover for "Transportation".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Transportation

199. Violence

Book cover for "Violence".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Violence

200.  Welfare

Cover Image
Book cover for "Working women".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Working women
Discussion about working women.

202. Addiction

Book cover for "Addiction".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Addiction
Book cover for "The aging population".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The aging population
This book is a collection of articles in which authors debate society's prevailing attitudes regarding the aging population, the extent that government and business should support the aging population, the contributions of an aging population, and whether it is beneficial to slow human aging.
Book cover for "Agricultural subsidies".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Agricultural subsidies
Book cover for "American values".
Rate this title:
Star rating for American values
"For over 25 years, the Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes covering nearly every controversial contemporary topic, Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. Each title explores a specific issue by placing expert opinions in a unique pro/con format. The viewpoints are selected from a wide...

206. Atheism

Book cover for "Atheism".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Atheism

207.  Behavioral disorders

Cover Image
Book cover for "Child abuse".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Child abuse

209.  Childbirth

Cover Image
Book cover for "Consumerism".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Consumerism
From the Publisher: Each volume in the Contemporary Issues Companion series provides readers with a wealth of information on topics of current interest. Focusing on important social issues, each anthology examines its subject in a variety of ways, from personal statistical articles to the most relevant commentaries and overview. Every essay is introduced with a brief summary of its main points and biographical information about the author, while...
Book cover for "Copyright infringement".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Copyright infringement
From the Publisher: "Each volume in the Opposing Viewpoints Series could serve as a model-not only providing access to a wide diversity of opinions, but also stimulating readers to do further research for group discussion and individual interest. Both shrill and moderate, the selections-by experts, policy makers, and concerned citizens-include complete articles and speeches, long book excerpts, and occasional cartoons and boxed quotations-all up...
Book cover for "Corporate social responsibility".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Corporate social responsibility
Book cover for "Crime and criminals".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Crime and criminals
Book cover for "Criminal justice".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Criminal justice

215.  Cyber crime

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216.  Domestic violence

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217.  Endangered oceans

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218.  The environment

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Book cover for "The fashion industry".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The fashion industry
Book cover for "The film industry".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The film industry
Book cover for "Free trade".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Free trade

222. Gangs

Book cover for "Gangs".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Gangs

223.  Genetic disorders

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224.  Genetic engineering

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Book cover for "Girls and sports".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Girls and sports
Examines both sides of issues pertaining to girl athletes, from how gender influences participation to how participation affects girls' health, and from school support for girls'sports programs to cultural implications.
Book cover for "Government spending".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Government spending
Articles, speeches and book excerpts present arguments from various points of view concerning government spending and economic policy.

227.  Health

Cover Image
Book cover for "Immigration".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Immigration
A compendium of viewpoints--both pro and con--on several issues relating to immigration in American society.

229. Iraq

Book cover for "Iraq".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Iraq

230. Islam

Book cover for "Islam".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Islam
Book cover for "Islamic militancy".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Islamic militancy
Discusses controversial issues in Islam and its militants.
Book cover for "Latin America".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Latin America
Book cover for "Male and female roles".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Male and female roles
Book cover for "Malnutrition".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Malnutrition
Book cover for "Mass media".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Mass media
Book cover for "Media violence".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Media violence

237.  Men and masculinity

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Book cover for "The Middle East".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The Middle East

239.  Nanotechnology

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240.  The North and South poles

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241.  Organ donation

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Book cover for "Outsourcing".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Outsourcing
Discussions of the implications to economic security and national security of oursourcing various business and government operational functions.
Book cover for "Racial profiling".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Racial profiling

244. Refugees

Book cover for "Refugees".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Refugees
Collects essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to refugees, discussing the seriousness of the problem, who is responsible for aiding refugees, and U.S. and international policies.

245.  Renewable energy

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246.  Russia

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Book cover for "Sports and athletes".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Sports and athletes

248. Tibet

Book cover for "Tibet".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Tibet
Book cover for "The U.S. Supreme Court".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The U.S. Supreme Court
Collects essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Book cover for "Video games".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Video games
Collects essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to video games, including what impact they have on children and teens, how they affect society, whether or not they promote violence, and how they should be regulated.

251. Water

Book cover for "Water".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Water
Debates the issue of water resources.
Book cover for "White-collar crime".
Rate this title:
Star rating for White-collar crime
Book cover for "The achievement gap".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The achievement gap
This book contains a series of articles by authors examining the achievement gap in our public schools in terms of racial differences, social differences, quality of schools, resources, educational strategies, and public policy.
Book cover for "Advertising".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Advertising
Book cover for "Alternative lending".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Alternative lending
From Booklist: "Each volume in the Opposing Viewpoints Series could serve as a model-not only providing access to a wide diversity of opinions, but also stimulating readers to do further research for group discussion and individual interest. Both shrill and moderate, the selections-by experts, policy makers, and concerned citizens-include complete articles and speeches, long book excerpts, and occasional cartoons and boxed quotations-all up to date...
Book cover for "America's prisons".
Rate this title:
Star rating for America's prisons
Book cover for "The armed forces".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The armed forces
Book cover for "The banking crisis".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The banking crisis
From the Publisher's website: For over 25 years, the Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes covering nearly every controversial contemporary topic, Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. Each title explores a specific issue by placing expert opinions in a unique pro/con format. The viewpoints...
Book cover for "Biological warfare".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Biological warfare
Book cover for "Cars in America".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Cars in America
This volume explores the topics relating to automobiles in the United States by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise these issues including seat belt laws, graduated driver's licenses, hybrid cards and public transportation systems.

261.  The Catholic Church

Cover Image
Book cover for "Celebrity culture".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Celebrity culture
This volume explores the topics relating to celebrity culture by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise these issues. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. Allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical thinking and reading skills that are essential in a culture of diverse and contradictory opinions.

263.  Censorship

Cover Image
Book cover for "Children and the entertainment industry".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Children and the entertainment industry
From the Publisher's Website: For over 25 years, the Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes covering nearly every controversial contemporary topic, Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. Each title explores a specific issue by placing expert opinions in a unique pro/con format. The viewpoints...

265. Debt

Book cover for "Debt".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Debt
Examines both sides of the issues surrounding consumer debt, from attitudes towards debt and responsible debt management to national debt and resolving debt problems.
Book cover for "Deregulation".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Deregulation
Several articles discuss the issues surrounding deregulation.

267.  Energy alternatives

Cover Image

268. Extremism

Book cover for "Extremism".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Extremism
Book cover for "The federal budget".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The federal budget

270.  Global warming

Cover Image
Book cover for "Globalization".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Globalization
Book cover for "Homeschooling".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Homeschooling
Book cover for "International adoptions".
Rate this title:
Star rating for International adoptions
This volume explores the topics relating to the adoption of international children by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise these issues. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. Allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical thinking and reading skills that are essential in a culture of diverse and contradictory opinions....

274. Israel

Book cover for "Israel".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Israel

275.  Mandatory minimum sentencing

Cover Image
Book cover for "The middle class".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The middle class
Book cover for "The Middle East peace process".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The Middle East peace process
This volume explores the topics relating to the Middle East peace process by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise these issues. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. Allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical thinking and reading skills that are essential in a culture of diverse and contradictory opinions.

278. Obesity

Book cover for "Obesity".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Obesity
This volume explores the topics relating to obesity by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise these issues. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. Allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical thinking and reading skills that are essential in a culture of diverse and contradictory opinions.
Book cover for "Offshore drilling".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Offshore drilling
Book cover for "Political campaigns".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Political campaigns
Collects essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to political campaigns.

281.  Political campaigns

Cover Image
Book cover for "Popular culture".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Popular culture
Book cover for "Presidential powers".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Presidential powers

284. Privacy

Book cover for "Privacy".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Privacy
This volume explores the topic of privacy by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that surround this issue including the Patriot Act, technology and privacy, medical records, and consumer rights.
Book cover for "Religion in America".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Religion in America
Book cover for "School reform".
Rate this title:
Star rating for School reform
Book cover for "Social justice".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Social justice
From Booklist: "Each volume in the Opposing Viewpoints Series could serve as a model-not only providing access to a wide diversity of opinions, but also stimulating readers to do further research for group discussion and individual interest. Both shrill and moderate, the selections-by experts, policy makers, and concerned citizens-include complete articles and speeches, long book excerpts, and occasional cartoons and boxed quotations-all up to date...
Book cover for "Social security".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Social security
Presents articles both pro and con concerning the Social Security system, reform of the system, how privatization might affect the system and how other countries approach social security.
Book cover for "Student life".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Student life
This volume explores the topic of student life by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that surround this issue. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. Allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical thinking and reading skills that are essential in a culture of diverse and contradictory opinions.
Book cover for "Teen drug abuse".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Teen drug abuse
Book cover for "The United Nations".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The United Nations

292.  Universal health care

Cover Image

293. Veterans

Book cover for "Veterans".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Veterans
This volume explores the topics relating to war veterans in the United States by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise these issues. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. It allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical thinking and reading skills that are essential in a culture of diverse and contradictory opinions....
Book cover for "War crimes".
Rate this title:
Star rating for War crimes
This volume explores the topics relating to war crimes by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise these issues. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. Allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical thinking and reading skills that are essential in a culture of diverse and contradictory opinions.
Book cover for "The World Trade Organization".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The World Trade Organization
Book cover for "America's global influence".
Rate this title:
Star rating for America's global influence

297.  Antibiotics

Cover Image

298.  Artifical intelligence

Cover Image

299.  Artificial intelligence

Cover Image
Book cover for "Chemical dependency".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Chemical dependency
Discusses the issues regarding chemical dependency and substance abuse, including what causes the dependency, if drug treatment programs are effective, and what proper legislative measures should be taken.
Book cover for "Child custody".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Child custody
Book cover for "Church and state".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Church and state

303. Coal

Book cover for "Coal".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Coal
"Coal : is coal the future of energy?; Is coal use justified?; Should coal use be phased out?; Is coal mining safe?"--
Book cover for "Cosmetic surgery".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Cosmetic surgery

305.  Cosmetic surgery

Cover Image
Book cover for "The death penalty".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The death penalty
This volume explores the topic of the death penalty by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that surround this issue. The editors investigate topics such as whether capital punishment is legally and morally just or unjust, how much of a safeguard it is to society, and whether it is applied fairly. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications....
Book cover for "Domestic violence".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Domestic violence
Book cover for "Doomsday scenarios".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Doomsday scenarios
This book examines various scenarios that could end the world.
Book cover for "Election spending".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Election spending
This volume explores the topics relating to election spending by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise these issues. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. Allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical thinking and reading skills that are essential in a culture of diverse and contradictory opinions.

310. Epidemics

Book cover for "Epidemics".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Epidemics
Book cover for "For-profit education".
Rate this title:
Star rating for For-profit education

312. Gambling

Book cover for "Gambling".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Gambling
Book cover for "Garbage and recycling".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Garbage and recycling
"Garbage and Recycling: Is garbage a serious problem?; Is recycling effective?; Is toxic waste disposal a serious problem?; What strategies will help reduce waste and save money?" --Provided by publisher.
Book cover for "Gays in the military".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Gays in the military
This volume explores the topic of gays in the military by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that surround this issue. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. Allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical thinking and reading skills that are essential in a culture of diverse and contradictory opinions.

315.  Illegal immigration

Cover Image
Book cover for "Interracial America".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Interracial America
Book cover for "Judicial activism".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Judicial activism
"Judicial Activism: Is Judicial Activism Harmful?; How Has Judicial Activism Affected Particular Issues?; What Is the Relationship Between Public Opinion and Judicial Activism?; Is Judicial Activism an Issue in Other Countries?"--
Book cover for "Mental illness".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Mental illness
"Mental Illness: Is Mental Illness a Serious Problem?; How Should Society Address Mental Illness?; What Mental Health Issues Do Youths Face Today?; What Treatments for Mental Illness Are Effective?"--
Book cover for "National service".
Rate this title:
Star rating for National service

320. Nutrition

Book cover for "Nutrition".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Nutrition

321. Pacifism

Book cover for "Pacifism".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Pacifism
This volume explores the topics relating to pacifism by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise these issues. The selected articles discuss many aspects relating to people who do not think war or violence is a good way to stop a fight or to get ahead of someone, especially in terms of war and the military. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources...
Book cover for "The pharmaceutical industry".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The pharmaceutical industry
"The Pharmaceutical Industry: Is Pharmaceutical Research Safe and Unbiased?; Are Prescription Drugs Appropriately Regulated?; Are Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices Ethical?; Is the Cost of Prescription Drugs in America Appropriate?"--

323. Pollution

Book cover for "Pollution".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Pollution
This volume explores topics relating to environmental pollution by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise these issues. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. Allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical thinking and reading skills that are essential in a culture of diverse and contradictory opinions.

324.  Pollution

Cover Image
Book cover for "Population".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Population
Book cover for "Race relations".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Race relations
Book cover for "Reforming Wall Street".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Reforming Wall Street
Book cover for "School funding".
Rate this title:
Star rating for School funding
A collection of essays discussing school funding, highlighting the allocation of funds and the efficacy of initiatives.
Book cover for "Sexually transmitted diseases".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Sexually transmitted diseases

330.  Stem cells

Cover Image
Book cover for "Street teens".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Street teens
Book cover for "The Taliban".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The Taliban
Several articles discuss issues surrounding the Afghanistan war. This volume explores the topic of the Taliban by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that surround this issue. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. Allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical thinking and reading skills that are essential in a culture of diverse...

333.  Tasers

Cover Image
Book cover for "Tax reform".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Tax reform
Book cover for "Television".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Television
This volume explores the topics relating to television by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise these issues. The selected articles discuss many societal aspects relating to television viewing and the television industry. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. Allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical thinking...
Book cover for "The U.S. intelligence community".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The U.S. intelligence community
Book cover for "The U.S. Latino community".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The U.S. Latino community
Book cover for "Unemployment".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Unemployment
Book cover for "Urban America".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Urban America
This volume explores topics relating to urban reform by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise these issues. Urban reform refers to a loosely knit set of municipal government and citizen group initiatives aimed at improving city life. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. Allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical...

340. Welfare

Book cover for "Welfare".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Welfare

341. Africa

Book cover for "Africa".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Africa

342. AIDS

Book cover for "AIDS".
Rate this title:
Star rating for AIDS
"What Causes AIDS?; What Is the Status of the Global AIDS Epidemic?; How Can the Spread of AIDS Be Controlled?; How Should AIDS Be Treated?"--

343.  Alternative medicine

Cover Image
Book cover for "Charter schools".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Charter schools

345. Cloning

Book cover for "Cloning".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Cloning
"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--

346. Cults

Book cover for "Cults".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Cults

347. Democracy

Book cover for "Democracy".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Democracy
"Democracy: Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Eating disorders".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Eating disorders

349. Feminism

Book cover for "Feminism".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Feminism

350.  Health care

Cover Image
Book cover for "Homelessness".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Homelessness
Book cover for "Interventions".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Interventions
Book cover for "Juvenile crime".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Juvenile crime

354. Militias

Book cover for "Militias".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Militias
Book cover for "The minimum wage".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The minimum wage
This volume explores the topics relating to the minimum wage, the lowest hourly, daily or monthly remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers, by presenting varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that comprise this issue. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. Allows the reader to attain the higher-level critical thinking and reading skills...
Book cover for "The music industry".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The music industry

357.  NASA

Cover Image
Book cover for "Native Americans".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Native Americans
Book cover for "Online pornography".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Online pornography

360. Poverty

Book cover for "Poverty".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Poverty
Book cover for "Renewable energy".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Renewable energy
"Renewable Energy: Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Teenage sexuality".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Teenage sexuality
"Teenage Sexuality: What Factors Influence Teenage Sexuality?; What Are Some Significant Teen Sexuality Issues?; How Should Society Educate Teens About Sex?; How Should Society Respond to Teenage Sexuality?"--
Book cover for "Tobacco and smoking".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Tobacco and smoking
"Tobacco and Smoking: Is Tobacco Use A Serious Problem?; Should Tobacco Use Be Regulated?; Should Smoking Alternatives Be Regulated?; How Do the Media Affect Individuals' Choice to Smoke?"--
Book cover for "The US census".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The US census
Book cover for "Urban agriculture".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Urban agriculture
Book cover for "Work and family".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Work and family

367. Abortion

Book cover for "Abortion".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Abortion
Explores moral issues related to abortion, such as whether the practice is morally similar to murder and whether prohibiting abortion violates the human rights of women, along with a discussion on the legal restrictions on abortion and the impact of legal abortion on society.
Book cover for "Civil liberties".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Civil liberties

369. Cuba

Book cover for "Cuba".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Cuba
"Opposing Viewpoints: Cuba: Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "The culture of beauty".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The culture of beauty
Book cover for "Dietary supplements".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Dietary supplements
This title addresses controversies related to dietary supplements, including: how should dietary supplements be regulated; are vitamin and mineral supplements beneficial; are weight-loss supplements and athletic supplements beneficial; how well do supplements treat different medical conditions. For over 25 years, the Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes...

372.  Doping

Cover Image
Book cover for "Free trade".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Free trade
Book cover for "Homosexuality".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Homosexuality
Book cover for "Human rights".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Human rights
"Human Rights: Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Medical technology".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Medical technology
Book cover for "Natural disasters".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Natural disasters

378.  Netiquette and online ethics

Cover Image
Book cover for "Organ donation".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Organ donation
Book cover for "Outsourcing".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Outsourcing
Book cover for "Paranormal phenomena".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Paranormal phenomena

382. Parenting

Book cover for "Parenting".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Parenting
Book cover for "Prescription drug abuse".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Prescription drug abuse

384.  Professional athletes

Cover Image
Book cover for "Racial profiling".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Racial profiling
This volume explores the topic of racial profiling or any police-initiated action that relies on the race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than the behavior of an individual. The editor presents varied expert opinions that examine many of the different aspects that surround this issue. The authors debate the relevance of racial profiling in contemporary society in the following chapters: Does Racial Profiling Exist?, Should Arab Muslims Be Profiled...
Book cover for "Robotic technology".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Robotic technology
"Opposing Viewpoints: Robotic Technology: This title addresses various issues related to robotic technology, centered around the questions of Is Robotic Technology Beneficial?, What Role Should Robotic Technology Play in War?, and What Are the Ethical, Legal and Moral Considerations Surrounding Robotic Technology?"--
Book cover for "Smartphones".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Smartphones
"Opposing Viewpoints: Smartphones: Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--

388. War

Book cover for "War".
Rate this title:
Star rating for War

389. Addiction

Book cover for "Addiction".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Addiction
Book cover for "The aging population".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The aging population

391.  American values

Cover Image
Book cover for "Anti-Semitism".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Anti-Semitism
"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Behavioral disorders".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Behavioral disorders
"For over 25 years, the Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes covering nearly every controversial contemporary topic, Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. Each title explores a specific issue by placing expert opinions in a unique pro/con format. The viewpoints are selected from a wide...
Book cover for "Birth defects".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Birth defects
"For over 25 years, the Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes covering nearly every controversial contemporary topic, Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. Each title explores a specific issue by placing expert opinions in a unique pro/con format. The viewpoints are selected from a wide...
Book cover for "Community policing".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Community policing
Book cover for "Copyright Infringement".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Copyright Infringement
"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Corporate social responsibility".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Corporate social responsibility

398.  Education

Cover Image
Book cover for "Endangered oceans".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Endangered oceans
Book cover for "The environment".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The environment
"Opposing Viewpoints: The Environment: Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Gender roles".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Gender roles
"For over 25 years, the Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes covering nearly every controversial contemporary topic, Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. Each title explores a specific issue by placing expert opinions in a unique pro/con format. The viewpoints are selected from a wide...
Book cover for "Gendercide".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Gendercide
Book cover for "Hacking and hackers".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Hacking and hackers
Book cover for "Human genetics".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Human genetics
"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Internet censorship".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Internet censorship
Book cover for "Journalism".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Journalism
This volume of opposing viewpoints discusses the changing face of journalism. The Internet has revolutionized the way we view media, and this text explores the ethical issues facing journalism today, how journalism should be practiced and journalists be protected, and the future of journalism in a rapidly evolving global Internet age. For over 25 years, the Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series has developed and set the standard for current-issue...
Book cover for "Mass media".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Mass media
Book cover for "Medical testing".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Medical testing
"Medical Testing: Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Multiracial America".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Multiracial America
Book cover for "North and South Korea".
Rate this title:
Star rating for North and South Korea
Book cover for "Organized crime".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Organized crime
This title explores whether organized crime presents a threat to the world today, how profitable some organized crime activities are, what policies should be implemented to address organized crime, and whether organized crime has moved to online. - See more at: For over 25 years, the Greenhaven Press Opposing...
Book cover for "The Palestinian territories".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The Palestinian territories
"Examines what the best solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict might be, if the United Nations should grant Palestinian statehood, how the circumstances in the Palestinian Territories can be improved, and how the United Nations should treat the Palestinian Territories"--
Book cover for "Religious Liberty".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Religious Liberty
"Opposing Viewpoints: Religious Liberty: Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--

414. Russia

Book cover for "Russia".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Russia
Book cover for "Sexual violence".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Sexual violence

416. Syria

Book cover for "Syria".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Syria
Book cover for "Opposing viewpoints".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Opposing viewpoints
"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Bankruptcy".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Bankruptcy
Book cover for "Celebrity culture".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Celebrity culture
"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--

420. Chemicals

Book cover for "Chemicals".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Chemicals

421. Egypt

Book cover for "Egypt".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Egypt
Book cover for "Energy alternatives".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Energy alternatives
Book cover for "Ethics / Noèel Merino, book editor".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Ethics / Noèel Merino, book editor
"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Euthanasia".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Euthanasia
"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Government gridlock".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Government gridlock
"Opposing Viewpoints: Government Gridlock: Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Gun violence".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Gun violence
Book cover for "Natural gas".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Natural gas
Book cover for "Performance-enhancing drugs".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Performance-enhancing drugs
"Opposing Viewpoints: Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "School reform".
Rate this title:
Star rating for School reform
Book cover for "Scientific research".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Scientific research
"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Tobacco and smoking".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Tobacco and smoking
Smoking is a hot button subject, especially when movies, T.V. and online shows, ads, and celebrities are shown partaking in long, dramatic drags from cigarettes and other smoking devices. While you need to be 18 years old to smoke legally in the U.S., when lead characters of a younger are seen smoking, the double messages abound. This volume carefully explores real and perceived teen rights related to tobacco and smoking. Readers will learn whether...

432. Veterans

Book cover for "Veterans".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Veterans
Book cover for "Voting rights".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Voting rights
"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Women's health".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Women's health
"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications. This title in the series discusses the latest issues concerning the health of women."--
Book cover for "Working women".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Working women
Book cover for "World peace".
Rate this title:
Star rating for World peace
"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "Birth control".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Birth control
Book cover for "Breast cancer".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Breast cancer
"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Book cover for "The Internet".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The Internet
Book cover for "The legalization of marijuana".
Rate this title:
Star rating for The legalization of marijuana
"The national debate over the legalization of marijuana is heating up as states begin to legalize its use for medicinal and recreational purposes. The title in the Greenhaven series deepens the discussion on marijuana-should it be legal or not? Does it help or harm users? Should medicinal use only be allowed? Answers to these questions will be debated for years to come"--provided by the publisher.
Book cover for "Mental illness".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Mental illness
"Each title in the highly acclaimed Opposing Viewpoints series explores a specific issue by placing expert opinions in a unique pro/con format; the viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find publications"-- "Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--...
Book cover for "Sexual assault on campus".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Sexual assault on campus
This title in the Opposing Viewpoints series investigates the seriousness of sexual assault on college campuses. Topics covered include why sexual assaults happen on campus, how is the problem being addressed, are the assault cases being handled properly, and what solutions need to be put in place to decrease the number of campus assaults.
Book cover for "Space exploration".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Space exploration

444. Ukraine

Book cover for "Ukraine".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Ukraine

445.  The US military

Cover Image
Book cover for "Artificial intelligence and the technological singularity".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Artificial intelligence and the technological singularity
Book cover for "Immigration bans".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Immigration bans
Recent world events have brought the issue of immigration to the forefront of media and journalism, cultural debates, and political campaigns. Calls for regulation are criticized as racist and xenophobic by some and deemed necessary by others. This resource addresses important questions surrounding the issue: How do immigration bans affect different groups? How can nations reconcile humanitarian and security concerns for refugees? How much of the...
Book cover for "Mass incarceration".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Mass incarceration
The number of Americans who live behind bars has increased by 550 percent over the last 40 years. This has been the result of aggressive tough-on-crime legislation that had more harmful effects than lawmakers could have foreseen. Experts now see the problem but disagree on the solutions. Does incarceration limit crime, or does it simply feed into a cycle of problems that harm society and create a criminal class? Are sentences and rehabilitation programs...
Book cover for "Public shaming".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Public shaming
Book cover for "Race in America".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Race in America
Book cover for "Reparations".
Rate this title:
Star rating for Reparations
Book cover for "Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, and the sharing economy".
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Star rating for Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, and the sharing economy
Something remarkable emerged as a result of the Great Recession of the early twenty-first century: a sharing economy. Among the loss of jobs and mortgages and uncertainty about the future, people got creative with the way they earnedand spenttheir money. Democratic platforms like Uber and Airbnb have skyrocketed in popularity, prompting tighter government regulations. But are they the answer to an economy increasingly controlled by giant corporations?...
Book cover for "Violent video games and society".
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The video game industry is big business, and with the improvement of Virtual Reality technology, video games will only become more realistic and immersive. Fears abound that they drive their players to commit violent acts. While many people believe the games desensitize kids to violence, others argue that there has been no scientific connection between aggressive behavior and video games. Is immersion in violent video games a bridge to committing...
Book cover for "Virtual reality".
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Book cover for "The wealth gap".
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Book cover for "Corporate farming".
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Star rating for Corporate farming
Corporate farms have solved so many of the worlds problems. In addition to making healthy food accessible and affordable to more people, they provide jobs in communities that sorely need them. But do corporations have too much power over food? Do they benefit from unfair tax breaks? Are their profit-driven practices hurting the environment, perhaps irreparably? And what does their success mean for the family farmer?
Book cover for "Identity politics".
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Star rating for Identity politics
"In an age of divisiveness, perhaps more than America has seen in decades, identity politics has taken its share of the blame. Those who have cheered on progressive ideology often write off detractors as racists, homophobes, and misogynists. And those who rail against political correctness often feel their own voices are not being heard or, worse, are being censored. Do identity politics come at a cost to national empathy and unity? Or do they reflect...